Join a 25+ remote team of A-Players disrupting the financial services industry and becoming the #1 Growth Agency for insurance Agents in the world 🌎

Make a Living Helping Insurance Agents & Financial Advisors Scale Their Businesses to 7-Figures and Beyond, All While Working From Anywhere in the World, Learning Something New Every Day & Being Celebrated For Who You Are.

How Often Do You Have a Chance to Make a Real Difference in the World?

It may sound cliche, but we at Fondako Media, we do just that.

We're proud to have supported over 1000 + Insurance Agents and Financial Advisors in sharing their expertise with the world, positively impacting the lives of millions of people.

That's over 1000 + innovative solutions and services that have provided protection, security, and peace of mind to individuals and families across the globe.

Our guidance and support have helped these agents to develop and implement ingenious strategies and techniques that they may not have been able to realize on their own.

But our mission goes beyond just helping these agents increase their revenue. We're committed to utilizing our expertise in sales, marketing, and operations to help deserving agents reach more clients, provide better coverage, and contribute to a safer, more secure world.

Our focus on helping these agents achieve their goals has resulted in significant growth for many of our clients.

We're proud to be making a difference in the lives of so many, and we're excited to continue supporting Insurance Agents and Financial Advisors in their mission to make the world a better place.

What Our Team Has To Say About Working At Fondako Media

Benefits & Perks

Here are just a few of the reasons why you should consider applying and joining our team.

Work 100% Remotely

We are a fully remote, officeless company. Which means that you can work from literally anywhere. Choose to work from home, co-working, while traveling the world... You decide !

Our official time zone is U.S. Eastern Time, but depending on the position you may be able to work your own hours.

Work With A-Players & Top Performers

If you're selected, you'll be working alongside some of the brightest minds in the industry, gaining new skills on the cutting-edge every day. Our marketing team has successfully generated tens of millions of dollars across a variety of industries.

Our sales team effortlessly sells offers worth $5,000 or more each day. Our client success managers have an impressive track record of scaling businesses and solving problems, surpassing even the most prestigious consulting firms.

The bottom line is that you'll be immersed in an environment of top-notch professionals on a daily basis, absorbing practical knowledge that's hard to come by elsewhere and being pushed to achieve your full potential.

Competitive Salary and Professional Development Opportunities

At our company, we value results over clocked-in hours, which is why we offer some of the highest pay in our industry. We believe in investing in our employees, providing mentorship, courses, books, and seminars to help them grow into better team members, individuals, and assets to the company and the world.

Our comprehensive benefits package includes flexible vacation time and opportunities to voice your opinions and make a difference. We prioritize employee development because we know that investing in our team members ultimately benefits everyone, from our employees to our clients and partners.

Unlock Your Potential For Financial and Professional Growth with Our Career Advancement Opportunities

Our team is made up of driven individuals who are always looking to improve and advance in their careers. We invest heavily in the personal and professional development of our team members, which is why it's not uncommon for them to want to grow within our organization.

We provide multiple opportunities for advancement, including bi-annual performance reviews, promotion from within the company, salary increases for exceeding expectations, and collaboration on new and innovative projects.

We believe that our team members' growth and success contribute to the overall success of the company, which is why we prioritize their advancement and offer a supportive and encouraging environment to help them reach their full potential.

Wake Up Excited Every Day To Work

At our company, we take our work seriously and put in the effort to achieve outstanding results. But that doesn't mean we don't know how to have fun along the way.

Our team culture is vibrant and energetic, with company retreats, live events, and a lively Slack community where we share ideas, celebrate successes, and make each other laugh. Our video calls are never boring, and we always find a way to inject some humor and levity into our work.

We believe that a positive work environment and a supportive team culture help us achieve our best work and reach our goals.…

Being A Fully-Remote Company Makes The In-Person Meet Ups That More Exciting...

Here are a few pictures of our most recent all-expenses paid in-person end-of-year team event in Montreal in a 5-star hotel to wrap up the year in style with the dream team!

Our Vision

Disrupt The Financial Services Industry By Building The World’s #1 Growth Agency For Insurance Agents. 🌎

Our Mission

Help Insurance Agents Around The World Reach More People, Transform More Lives And Build The Business Of Their Dreams.

Our Core Values

Here are our most important principles that guide actions and decisions of individuals and teams in our company


It’s a lot easier to become great at something when you’re 100% committed & and focused on making it work, rather than having 1 foot in and one foot out. At Fondako, you're either "ALL-IN" or "ALL-OUT". We do not accept in-betweens. You need to be 100% committed to becoming the master of your craft, not only for yourself but for your family, for your future, for your wallet, for the team, and for your clients.

High Say-Do Ratio

There’s nothing that builds more self-confidence, trust, and high-performance teams, than saying you’re gonna do something, and actually doing it. At Fondako, we have a high Say-Do ratio, meaning if we say we are gonna work out 5x/week, we do it. If we say we’re gonna read a book, we do it. If we say we’re gonna sell 5 units a week, we do it,etc.

Conduct Yourself Like A True High Performer

Everybody knows what’s right and what’s wrong... Eat fast food or meal prep? Sleep 4 or 8 hours a night? Watch a movie or work out? Putting in 30 or 60 hours a week? At Fondako we learn how to follow our moral compass to optimize our life and performance in all realms of humane endeavor.

Speed & Execution

Money loves speed. If you love money, you gotta be fast! If you can do 200% more work than someone else in a given month, you’ll make 200% more money. The opposite is also true if you can only achieve 50% of someone else’s production in the same timeframe, they’ll make 2x more money than you! At Fondako, we’re all about achieving more in less time!

Accountability & Extreme Ownership

At Fondako, we believe we are in control of our own destiny, and that it’s our responsibility to make something of ourselves by holding ourselves accountable and finding new ways to deliver outstanding results.

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Featured job positions


Sales Representative - Setter and/or Closer

You will be responsible for prospecting, enrolling, and nurturing new clients into the training program. As well as assisting with defaulted payments, handling refund requests and assisting client success teams as needed.

Coaching / Client Success:

Client Success Manager

You will be responsible for managing and supporting our clients to ensure long-term retention and success. We’re looking for a dynamic team-player to work closely with potential talent, the rest of the team, and several internal operational groups to accelerate overall growth.


Technical Specialist

You will be responsible for managing and supporting our clients to ensure long-term retention and success. We’re looking for a dynamic team-player to work closely with potential talent, the rest of the team, and several internal operational groups to accelerate overall growth.

Executive Assistant

You will be responsible for protecting the CEO's time and get as many of his hours back by supporting him with his calendar, emails, and other important responsibilities. We’re looking for an individual who is well-organized, detail-oriented, ability to multi-task with excellent follow-up skills.